Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Your suicide bomb is not welcome here...

If it wasn't for advertising, we'd all have nothing. I'm not talking about those of us trying to break into the industry. I mean everyone. We'd ALL have nothing. Literally. We'd have no possessions. We'd all be cuddled together in a dark, dank basement doing everything we can not to swallow our own tongues. We would embrace each other, in search of warmth and acceptance, under a single swinging lightbulb. How did we get the lightbulb you ask? It was there when we get here.

Without advertising, we wouldn't know what to buy. Plain. Simple. It's not a matter of persuasion. It's a matter of " you need this to stay alive/to want to stay alive". I can't say for certain I've ever bought anything solely on my own. Everything has convinced me. You want this. Yes I do. You need this. I'll take two, please. 

Just think of it... if you work in advertising, you control the world. Billions of people are sitting on the edge of their theoretical seat, waiting to be told what to do.

I don't understand what all these fundamentalists are doing with all their time. Put down the shoe bombs. Pick up the pen. 

Now THAT'S how you can change a country for the better (see: Iraq). 

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