Friday, January 9, 2009

The Revolution Will Be Televised Without Commercials

Technology is advancing how we live our lives everyday. Ipods allow us to listen to over 10 million songs wherever we want, whenever we want. I have an alarm clock that projects the time on the ceiling so I don't have to strain my neck to the left once I wake up. It's all rather quite impressive. 

Once piece of technology that may put us all of out of work being we ever get in it, is the DVR (Digital Video Recorder). This device allows for 30 hours of television to be downloaded to a hard drive, to allow the viewer to watch their favourite program at their leisure. This device has more than likely increased viewership of many television programs over the last few years, considering that consumers don't have to parked on the couch at the initial time of the program airing. 

The DVR could perhaps ruin the advertising industry, because the most profitable and expensive form of advertising is being neglected by a large part of society. Viewers before could simply change the channel when a commercial break started, but there was at least a slight chance they would land on another channel, where a commercial could be waiting for them like a disheveled man waiting in a desolate alley with only a trenchcoat and some candy.  Now, everyone has the power to neglect every commercial ever made with a simple push of the fast forward button. Could this be the beginning of the end for the industry everyone loves to hate?

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